Wow, who knew that having a few too many IPA's on a Friday night would effect your Saturday run? I jest of course, but that is just what happened this morning. At some points I could actually feel my liver doing its' processing. Now, don't get me wrong, the run couldn't have gone much better and I had a smile on my face most of the way. But each glance down at the Garmin showed a pace that was a little bit embarrassing.
This was my first "official" 50K training run. Although my 20 week training plan does not really begin until Tuesday I could not give up the chance to get started on this beautiful breezy and cool morning. So with my wife at my side, handheld attached, and heart-rate monitor strapped, we headed out the front door to the rolling reclaimed road behind our house.
Let's talk real quick about the heart-rate monitor, or as I like to call it, my Biofeedback device (shmancy huh?). I have decided that because I am looking to start endurance running, I will be taking the advice of Dr. Phil Maffetone. No, not THAT Dr. Phil. His thoughts are that your training should always be in the aerobic zone. If your heart-rate is above a certain point (for me it is 140 bpm), you will suffer consequences to your endurance and having listened to him speak and being a Biology major... I agree! So with the Biofeedback device leading the way, we pushed at the blistering speed of 13:30 minute miles! Wow, it is really hard to run that slow. But, it was a very comfortable pace and 10 miles seemed like much less. And after a few weeks of doing this, I should be seeing pretty dramatic drops in that number.
Ok, so looking at that pace again, let's talk about the IPA's. I had tested out this aerobic threshold idea a few days ago and was able to maintain a 10:45 pace at 140 bpm. That's a significant difference huh? So we will just have to see if my next run, hopefully not after another beer fest, goes back to that lower pace.
All in all, we're off I guess. Hittin' the ground running and ready to see my endurance gain speed and power. Now, off to the Halloween party... ah crap
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